Thursday, February 18, 2010

when you charge your electronic devices,
do you feel the pain when u have to turn off the switch before the battery is fully charged,
due to some reasons?

i do.
cuz it will shorten the "shelf life" of my battery.

and now,
i need to stop charging myself before i got myself fully charged.
this is not the first time i feel this emo-ness.
i think i have to admit that i have this sickness named:

and NTU students,
do you hate NTU when they spam your webmail with rubbish emails from ISC, SPMS, Exxonmobile, Hall 12 Hall Office etc,
while you are on holidays/ when you feel like avoiding academic/ uni stuffs?
or give you deadlines or short duration on the day that you are STILL on holiday?

i do.

see you, singapore,
in less than 20 hours time.

*give me an internship position please*

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