Saturday, September 19, 2009

it's all about friends (:

today was great! i saw rain! i walked/ran in the rain! i tasted the rain too! =)

[10 in hall 10] had their first official steamboat gathering @ block 50 today. it was a postponed event actually. and surprisingly i miss sai leong's square face so much when i met them up for the blow-water session. oh, i had a long hour meeting in the evening so i din get to take part in the preparation and makan session =(

besides, we celebrated WONG SOON LEONG's birthday! it was a post celebration actually. i swear we didnt forget about your birthday! we chose to celebrate on friday instead of thursday so that everyone can really sit down and slack. =)

yes, this is the birthday boy! happy birthday, soon leong (:

we had fun.. we chilled.. we laugh and we are still 10 in hall 10, that's all i can say =)

so after the long, tiring day, i came back to my room. roomie told me that we have less interactions these days. i agreed. but i know it is because we both are quite busy these few days and everytime we come back to our room. we will be too tired to talk to each other. and i just realize that we didn't meet up for dinner this week. damn sad right?

i had a short conversation with a friend after the meeting in the evening. and i realize that most of the people feel happier when their roomie is not around. it's a norm. but for me, and my roommate, we dont think so. haha! we tend to feel lonely without each other in the room. especially at night. =P so dont worry roomie, sometimes i just dont feel like talking when i am unhappy or too emo. i know you too! so i promise to teman u more this weekend la okay? *smiles*

someone dated me for swensen's breakfast tomorrow morning. of course i want to go! but not tomorrow la. i feel so bad as i seldom reject her invitation. but this time really cannot. cuz i am having a minor flu already. blame the weather! =( i know you can understand, but i still want to say sorry =) we date again next time kay? still love u, muffin! =P

i shall go to my bed now. my head is bursting! haha!

*when friends are there, i am there*


  1. Hey! stay at blogspot~~~ so tat we can leave comment freely..
    nonid sign up xanga acc ^,^

  2. @zilly: sure~ happy to see your comment here. (:
    @tingting: dun so ai mei. i cant tahan =P

  3. i give u face only coz i dunno what comment to leave
